Michigan Launches “Spread Hope, Not Covid” Campaign
Michigan has been aggressively battling the Coronavirus pandemic all year, and the MDHHS just announced their latest campaign.
The "Spread Hope, Not Covid" campaign was kicked off this weekend by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The MDHHS isnt the only organization behind the campaign. They are joined by more than 50 of the leading organizations from all aspects of Michigan.

The campaign is very straight forward with it's messaging, asking Michiganders to help the state reopen safely by wearing masks and following social distancing. Governor Whitmer talked about the purpose of the new campaign in a press release.
While some of the actions we must take are personally uncomfortable and inconvenient, there is broad consensus that they will contain COVID-19 cases to levels that will enable us to safely reopen our economy, our schools and other institutions – and keep them open
There has been some irrational push back on wearing masks though, as some people say that it infringes on their freedoms. The campaign did a great job of addressing the "freedom" issue with a commercial featuring veterans.
The campaign has some simple guidelines, most of which are already in place. They are quickly bullet pointed below.
- Wear a mask in public places
- Practice physical distancing
- Wash and sanitize your hands, and avoid face touching
- If you test positive, cooperate with contact tracers and self quarantine
- Get tested
The state has set up a great system for you to find testing sites, including no cost sites. For all of the information you can visit the Michigan Coronavirus response site here, or call 888-535-6136.
UP NEXT: How Michigan Fared During the 1918 Flu Pandemic
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