Motorcyclist Punches Moron For Running His Mouth NSFW [Video]
I don't condone violence, but this guy definitely got what was coming to him. I'm actually surprised how much this motorcyclist held back before punching this moron multiple times.
Fact: The world is filled with idiots. Some people just don't know how to act right, and have to be dealt with. This idiot is example #1. Talk talk talk talk but do nothing to back it up. In the bikers defense he had every right to pop this douche bag in the mouth for touching him and his property. I honestly don't know how much I would of been able to hold back. I mean 10 minutes of running your mouth either swing or walk away!
I really hope this motorcyclist doesn't get charges pressed against him. Sure, he technically hit him first, but he was provoked and the guy did touch him and and his property.
Idiots like this really make it hard to be civil. I mean how many times did he talk about banging this guys mom? I would of totally hit him too.