Shooting In Flint Leaves One Teen Dead
Police are investigating a shooting that took place yesterday on Martin Luther King Boulevard that left one 15-year-old dead.
There has been a serious uptick in violence this year coming out of the pandemic, and it's not just happening in Flint. It's happening everywhere.

Flint Police say they are investigating after a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed on Tuesday.
According to police, this happened at 7:48 p.m. in the 3400 block of Martin Luther King Boulevard, near Pasadena Avenue. Source:NBC25.com
I hate reporting on shootings in Flint. It happens so often that it feels more normalized than it should be. These shootings are a horrible example of how our community needs to do better to get these violent and mentally ill people off the streets.
There isn't a scenario in the world that makes sense to shoot a teenage boy. At 15 years old you don't even have a concept of what the world has to offer. The value of life in Flint is just sad. We've been hypnotized into thinking this street life is the only life, and that's a joke. I'm not saying the kid was involved in the streets but clearly, the person that shot him is. I've seen it happens multiple times. Innocent people get caught in the crossfire, or the wrong street dude gets offended and decides to take things to the extreme. The police are still investigating so everything I'm saying is just speculation.
Either way, a young man lost his life the other day. I pray his family finds his killer and I hope that his family finds some sort of peace in this crazy city...
If you have any info please call the City of Flint Police Department or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-422-5245.
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