The police were called to a scene early Tuesday morning to find two men dead from multiple gunshot wounds.

The shooting took place on the block of 2200 Carpenter rd right here in Flint. Details on the identity of the two males haven't been released but, we do know that one was 60-years-old and the other was 61-years-old.  The scary part about this whole situation is that the police don't have any suspects at this moment.

Police do not have any suspects in this case.


If you have any information about this case you are asked to contact Detective Sergeant Donny Scott at 810-237-6905 or to remain anonymous contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-422-JAIL (5245), P3Tips mobile app, or

If we wanna get rid of the negative stigma that floats over Flint then it's time for everyone to get involved. I was born and raised in Flint, and since I was a baby Flint has had a terrible reputation for violence. It's almost like it's a part of the Flint culture to a degree. Some of us do our best to ignore it. We throw parties and events to distract us from the glaring problem that haunts our city. Our culture has spiraled into mental illness. Violence is the answer for everything nowadays and not the old-school fisticuffs type of violence. Modern culture promotes immediate lethal reaction to almost every scenario like it's the cool thing to do. It wasn't that long ago when the Genesee Valley Mall had a shooting incident where a bunch of guys started fighting, then instantly pulled out guns and started shooting each other. IN THE MALL!!! Since then, this year has been plagued with more and more shootings.

We have to start demonizing this type of behavior and make way for the next generation. Sadly the damage is already been done to the mindset of this current generation. The best we can hope for is to teach the youth and hope that over time they grow up with better morals.

15 Ways You Can Help People in Ukraine Right Now

As Americans watch events unfold in Ukraine, many wonder how they can help. Below is a list of organizations responding to the crisis in Ukraine along with information on how you can support their various missions. 

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