Social Media To Thank For The Arrest Of Vandals Who Spray Painted Michigan Trail
Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of likes, shares, and views these vandals have been arrested by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department.
Social media can be a wonderful thing sometimes. Sure, its mainly used to spew political opinions, share memes, and talk about why your girlfriend or boyfriend dumped you, but there are those rare occurrences where its actually used for good and this is indeed one of those times.
Thanks to Facebook three out of the four of these vandals have been arrested and questioned after a trail camera captured them spray painting and defacing an Oakland County trail. The post was shared more than 20,000 times and police are saying that is a major reason why the suspects were caught.
Over 50 tips were submitted to the police which lead to the arrest of these kids who thought it would be hilarious to destroy state property. Police say that $1,000 reward wasn't claimed since they only used bits and pieces of information to locate the suspects.
The suspects were between the ages of 17 and 21. They will most likely be charged with a misdemeanor considering the damage is under $2,000. The names of those investigated will most likely be released next week.
Source: MLive.com
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