Surprise! Michael Moore Made a Secret Donald Trump Movie, and It Opens This Week
With Where to Invade Next, audiences saw a different, more optimistic side of Michael Moore. It was a fairly fun movie — at least in comparison to Moore’s other films, which are typically pessimistic about American politics. But if you thought the outspoken documentarian might sustain that positive attitude for his next film, you were mistaken. Moore’s latest project is a documentary he’s been working on in secret, and it’s all about this election year’s most controversial candidate: Donald Trump.
It’s no secret that Moore despises Trump (as it turns out, even most members of the Republican party aren’t standing behind the guy), so his surprise unveiling of Michael Moore in TrumpLand isn’t entirely surprising. The documentary is based on Moore’s one-man show, which he had initially planned to perform live at a theater in Ohio. Instead, he turned the concept into a doc, which premieres tonight, October 18, at the IFC Center in New York, where it will screen for free.
Moore initially expressed his belief that Donald Trump would not win the 2016 presidential election, but during an appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher back in July, the filmmaker changed his tune to something decidedly more fatalistic and said, “Trump is going to win. I’m sorry.” He expanded on that statement with a post on his blog titled “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win.”
The director has been teasing the new doc for the last couple of days over on his official Twitter account:
And here’s the official synopsis for the surprise project:
See the film Ohio Republicans tried to shut down. Oscar-winner Michael Moore dives right into hostile territory with his daring and hilarious one-man show, deep in the heart of TrumpLand in the weeks before the 2016 election.
Michael Moore in TrumpLand begins its theatrical run on October 19.