Kyle Schwartz is a teacher in Denver who started the #IWishMyTeacherKnew project a few weeks ago, and the reality check she has received is going viral.

Kyle teaches in a school where 92% of the students are on some sort of aid for school lunch.

The majority of the students in her school are Hispanic, and some of the messages reflect the specific struggles that a child with illegal immigrant parents may face.

Some of the notes are simple and refreshing.


Some show the heartbreak of a child who is struggling to do their best, even when their parents may not be around.

The notes from the students are just a small peak into the mind of a child, but they show so much more than anyone could have expected.

The project has been so influential that many teachers around the country are starting to do the same thing, and sharing the results with each other.

The main message for parents is to remember how important the role of a teacher really is.  The teacher comes in a close second as the most influential person in a young childs life.

As a parent with two kids in elementary school, I just have one piece of advice for other parents. . .

WORK WITH YOUR KIDS TEACHER!  Not against them.  Talk to kids teacher as much as you can to find out what happens every day.  Encourage your kid to do the same!

A strong partnership with your kids teacher now will pay off double in the future.


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