Will Grand Blanc Ever Get Cannabis Shops?
Since moving back to Michigan, a couple of months ago, I've noticed cannabis shops on many corners in Flint and Burton... and the unmistakable scent in many public places. Genesee County and Michigan residents, in general, are enjoying marijuana. Many states are still in the process of legalizing. Weed is slowly, but surely, losing its "gateway drug" image from the 1980s.
Clarkston is having a vote to allow medical, but not recreational retail for weed. The opposition's slogan is "No store near my door." How about our very own Grand Blanc? There isn't a single cannabis shop around the city of 8,020 people (2021 US Census Bureau). And the same goes for Fenton, MI with a population of nearly 12,000 residents. So, what gives?
Considering states, counties and cities can make a mint on tax revenue associated with recreational and medicinal marijuana -- why not develop a plan? Maybe that tax money could be used to fix Saginaw Street in Grand Blanc? Or pave some of the side streets within the city of Fenton? The avoidance of these shops across the state of Michigan is not an anomaly.
I spoke briefly with City Manager for Grand Blanc, Wendy Jean-Buhrer, today. I asked if there is any discussion or future consideration to allow cannabis shops/sales in Grand Blanc. In short, Jean-Burher, said flat out, no. (Which was mildly disappointing to me... I already have a name for a shop in GB, "Bougie Boutique." Just kidding, I'm not getting into the business.)
People in our communities decide how they want to live: what to allow, avoid and plan for the future. That's great how it should be... I guess the confusing question I'm left with is: Do city officials (council, managers, etc), in any city, really think a large portion of their population ISN'T smoking weed? The old stereotypes associating weed consumption with income levels, career choices and any other 1980s "D.A.R.E." thinking is just that, old. I'm not suggesting the "everyone is doing it" mentality. Though, I am thinking about how those tax dollars could improve our everyday lives.
Also, please, don't give me any grief about "kids will blah blah blah..." Remember, parents' parent their own kids. And there's a good chance parents are partaking.
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